Middle Earth

Middle Earth Logo

The Bound Brook School District has partnered with Middle Earth, a non-profit, community-based agency located in Somerset County, to provide a comprehensive, afterschool program to support students’ academic, behavioral, emotional, and social growth. 

The program is funded in its entirety with federal funds under the Every Student Succeeds Act, Title IV, Part B, Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) through a grant agreement with the New Jersey Department of Education.


Middle Earth Registration

WHO: Students in grade 4-6 at Smalley

WHAT: Comprehensive after school program, which supports students’ academic, behavioral, emotional and social growth in an atmosphere of mutual respect and encouragement; includes character development, physical activity, cultural and artistic opportunities, and educational field trips

WHERE: Smalley Elementary School

WHEN: After school during the school year (2:40-5:40 pm) and 4-week summer program

WHY: To develop better social skills and self-confidence, improve grades and school behavior; decrease risky behaviors; and create higher aspirations for the future.